Capel Mounth Path
'This old route is marked as "Mounth Capell" on the Gough Map, which has been dated to between 1355 and 1366. This would have been a very convenient pass between Glen Muick and the Braes of Angus and may have been a good deal used in the days when the district was more populated.'
'The Capel Mounth road lies above 2000 feet high for much of its way. In winter, like a lot of other Mounth passes, it was extremely dangerous, as testified by cairns erected as memorials to persons who have lost their lives in the pass.'
'One important set of routeways was the Mounth passes. The Mounth was mountainous terrain that ran from the Braemar area south of the River Dee to the coast near Aberdeen. There were at least 11 of these routes, spaced every few miles and crossing the Dee at fords and ferries. They were much used by drovers and by seasonal workers travelling to the south.'
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