Unst - Walkers Are Welcome
'In October 2011 Unst became the 71st Walkers are Welcome community and the first island to achieve this recognition. At 60 degrees north Unst, the island above all others lies on the same latitude as Anchorage Alaska, Southern Greenland and St Petersburg Russia.'
'Unst has some of the very best walking in Europe: [1] In midsummer Unst has 19 hours of measured daylight - - - : [2] Over 60 miles of amazing coastline - - - : [3] Thousands of years of heritage history - - - : [4] More Viking sites than anywhere else in Europe - - - : [5] 420 million years of Geopark history - - - : [6] 10 sandy beaches - - - : [7] 120,000 seabirds - - - : [8] 650 people
Unst Walkers are Welcome have selected 20 walks to provide visitors with the widest possible choice from a simple 1 hour nature walk to a serious full day clifftop walk. If you have the time and the commitment the whole coastline can be walked as it was by the RAF each year up to 2004. Some walks are waymarked, some will need compass and navigation skills. Our nieghbouring island of Fetlar, population, under 70 has a futher 6 identified walks over moorland, clifftop and seashore. The Shetland Council interisland ferry service links Unst, Fetlar and Yell.'
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