Cedars Walking Group
'Cedars Walking Group is based at the Jethro Centre Lurgan and is aimed exclusively at walkers over the age of 50. We have more than 100 members and regularly have 50 or 60 members on our walks which are led by trained and experienced walk group leaders ... We are limited in the number of members we can accept because of the practicalities of walking with larger groups - parking, group management and availability of leaders. There is usually a waiting list at the start of the new season but applicants who are unsuccessful at the September intake will be reconsidered for membership in January the following year. Don't expect to get a place on first application but don't let that deter you from walking - it's a great way to keep healthy.'
'There is an expectation that new members will be reasonably fit when they join us - although we always try to provide options for different levels of fitness this is not always practicable. Level walks tend to be a minimum of 5 miles and can be up to 9 miles in some cases. Hill walks are generally shorter (in distance but not in time) and more challenging. We try to vary the walks to include coastal and forest walks, tow paths, hills and mountains and to visit some new locations each year.'
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