Wakefield Rights of Way
Rights of Way Map 'Information displayed when a link is followed is taken from our definitive map which forms the legal record of public rights of way ... The information provided on The Wakefield District Public Rights of Way Map is provided for information purposes only. You should not rely upon it when you make, or refrain from making, any decision or when you take, or refrain from taking, any action.'
Wakefield Council
'The Wakefield District Local Access Forum was established in July 2003 to advise the Council on the improvement of access to land in the District for open-air recreation and enjoyment. A key area of work for the Forum has been to advise the Council on the Rights of Way Improvement Plan and access to open country and common land in the District. Wakefield is proud of its strong and independent Local Access Forum, which is made up of volunteer members representing a broad range of interests relating to countryside access including users of the public rights of way network and other forms of access, landowners/occupiers, business, heritage and nature conservation.'
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