Hartpury Walks
'The Hartpury Circular Walk ... Walks to our southern neighbours ... Walks from Corsend ... Walks to Ashleworth'
Erica Materacki and Hartpury Parish Council
'Definitive rights of way are, of course, shown on Ordnance Survey maps (Landranger Sheet 162; Explorer Sheet 179), but even on 1:25,000 maps they are not always easy to follow. In addition, some recent diversions may not be shown. We have attempted to waymark all our paths so that they may be followed without difficulty. Generally, this has been done with official GCC discs, yellow for footpaths, blue for bridleways and red for RUPPs. These discs are placed wherever the route may not be obvious, usually at gates, stiles and points of path division, or at changes of direction. The convention followed is to set the discs to indicate the direction of the path(s) ahead, assuming the walker is standing “square on” to the stile, gate or other structure on which the disc is mounted ...
'A map showing all the footpaths, is available for purchase at the Post Office, price 75p, or by post from the Clerk at £1 (p&p included).'
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