Towneley Sculpture Trail
'On a stroll through Thanet Lee Woods you will encounter the ever changing sculpture trail, carved from fallen and damaged trees, discover birds, mammals and even a crocodile emerging from its watery home. The woods also contain the oldest tree in Burnley which for over 400 years has stood watch over the changing landscape.'
Visit Lancashire
'The Forest of Burnley was created between 1997 and 2001 when one million trees were planted in the borough establishing 400 hectares of new mostly native woodland and a 2,000-tree arboretum of special trees. The forest adds immeasurably to the beautiful countryside surrounding the town and gives both walking enthusiasts and other visitors the chance to take in the fresh air in a beautiful setting. Management of the woodland has created over 32 kilometres of new bridleways, cycle routes, footpaths and sculpture trails ...'
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