Fell & Rock Climbing Club of the English Lake District
The Objects of the Club include '...to encourage the pursuits of fell walking and rock climbing particularly in the English Lake District...' and also to provide '...information and advice... It is the intention of this part of the website to help to achieve these with some interesting articles and stimulating photographs relating to the fellwalking activities both undertaken by club members and of interest to others.'
'The site has been subdivided into the seven sections used in The Lakeland Fells, as originally devised by Alfred Wainwright in his Pictorial Guides to the Lakeland Fells, and in addition four further sections have been added. The first is for Long Distance Walks, two – Speyside and Lochaber – are intended to provide information for walks in the areas accessible from the club's two Scottish huts and the final one is Rest of Scotland for walks in any other part of that country.'
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