Ruth's Coastal Walk (UK)
My walk around the British coastline, in stages 'I started in Kings Lynn, on the Lincolnshire/Norfolk border, on April 18th 2010. I have been walking clockwise round the coast of mainland Britain, in stages, since then.'
Coastal Walkers (or how they walked the coast of Britain) | Ruthless Ramblings
My Rules for Walking the Coast
'[1] I enjoy each and every walk ... : [2] I keep as close to the coast as is safe, legal and reasonable ... : [3] I start each walk at the point where I stopped the coastal section of my previous walk ... : [4] I don't have to walk around islands (but I can if I want to) ... : [5] I don't have to walk around peninsulas where the only link to the mainland is a narrow isthmus or causeway (unless I want to) ... [6] When I encounter a river or estuary, I cross at the nearest public crossing point; stepping stones, bridge or ferry.'
'And now not a rule, but a philosophical statement: I concentrate on being present in the place I am walking through. This means:
[1] I don't listen to music or the radio while I walk ... : [2] I don't read up on history or check which sights I should view in advance of my walk ... : [3] I avoid looking beyond my current OS map, except for planning my start and end points.'
'People sometimes ask me how I am going to cope with Scotland, where the weather is inclement, the countryside is wild and the footpaths are few. I refuse to think about this until I get there.'
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