Walking Englishman, The Featured
'With around 25,000 visits each day, this is the most popular free content web site for walking in Great Britain on the Internet. There are reports of all the walks covered with full statistics and all with complimentary pictures'
'Welcome to Mike Brockhurst's Walking Englishman website. I have dedicated myself to provide a free walking resource which exists to inspire you to go out walking in the countryside of Great Britain. I wish to get you out walking in the rich and varied countryside in our country and enjoy walking in beautiful surroundings. I have a passion for walking and I want to share it. On the site I have provided all grades of walk for young to old, beginners to experienced, the not so fit to the fittest so everyone can have a go at finding a walk on the website to suit themselves. Go on, take a walk. And anyone who cannot find a walk can contact me and I will always help to find one suitable to their needs. Enjoy your walking.'
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